I'm on an all-time low. I am having a hard time choosing something to watch from my catalog. It's not that I don't like what's in there. It's just that in the state that I am in, they are way too deep for me to have a good time watching. I need a feel-good movie that doesn't make me think hard enough for me to be entertained. So much for my Citizen Kane, Adaptation, Dr. Strangelove, let alone my 2001: A Space Odyssey! I need something like those American Pies which I would just literally be watching. This is something I should put into consideration next time a visit a video shop. And them moviemakers should make more of something like The Birdcage.

Let me quote dear Agador (apologies for the incorrectnes, this is based on how I remembered it): "When will you let me audition again? Why do you treat me like some kind of servant? My father was the shaman of his tribe. And my mother was the high priestess. (Then why did you come here?) They wanted me to have a career. Hello? A career?"
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