You know what? This is the effect of overindulgence with romance and mushiness. Really. I have been immersed with these things for the past few days, both visually and linguistically, so to speak. The big problem is, I could not get over it.
Going to the journal aspect of this block... We talked today. This is really like Sex and the City, only with the genders interchanged. She's like Big who seems to have a radar that everytime when I am happy or when I seem to be moving on, she comes into the picture and all hell breaks loose. I am totally confused right now. More than ever. Really. Big thanks to you honey. You just seem to hit it big. And I couldn't just seem to get over you. Congratulations. You've won again. The only question in this charade is that will this story's Carrie and Big end up in the end? Tell me the answer if you know. I've been dying to know. So I could finally have a life!
Right now I really do have a clear picture why I do not want to get married and why I am obsessed with Before Sunrise and Before Sunset. Thing is, I enjoy the feeling of being in love (of course, everybody does!) but there's just that plain fact that I couldn't stand it. Call me a loser or whatever, but that's the sad truth. So to all lovers out there, good luck with you. Go smack right in front of my face 'til you couldn't breathe no more and all cause I don't give a damn! And I am really sounding like an angry psychotic maniac arse (Haha).
I need my medicine. Maybe I ought to watch Closer or perhaps Casablanca for a heavier dosage. Actually I want to watch Love Story, but I couldn't because I don't seem to have a copy. I'll just get one as soon as possible. Also, a copy of Boogie Nights (very in context. Wow. Haha.) wouldn't hurt. That is if it's available here in this wretched part of the cruel world. For the meantime, I'm back to injecting more romanticism in my blood.
I am now addicted to 8701 yet again. I need a CD. Or better yet download all songs. I love Ethernet.
psst mark its still too early to tell if you'll get married or not :)
The facts are enough to tell what's possible and what's not... :P Haha...
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