Alright. Kill me for having watched Before Sunrise and Before Sunset yet for the bazillionth time. This time, I brought with me something that may be of good use. Well, it's a concept - a sort of something which I could use for a future project, a screenplay of sorts.
At the start of Before Sunset where Jesse is asked about his next book endeavor, he tells the audience about a story that takes place within the duration of a pop song. A man stands before his daughter who is listening to a pop song. He freezes and suddenly he remembers one night where he and his ex-girlfriend stands above a car, in the exact position (as he is with his daughter) with the exact song playing. And the story is cut as soon as Jesse sees Celine for the first time in 9 years. Enough about Jesse and Celine. I wanna play with that thought, Jesse's idea that is.
I have no idea why I am excited with the story of strangers and old flames. Trace my biography, maybe we'll get an answer.
Last night was fantastic. Finally, after the endless parties, meetings, practices, weddings and debuts, I can now rest. The problem is, I don't know what to do now. It's not that I'm bored. It's because there's so many things I wanna do. Perhaps that explains why I can't materialize these thoughts I have. Try going through my previous entries and count the number of concepts I had and see if I had even done one. This is horrible. I need time. I need a freaking life!
By the end of the week, I am hoping to have finished either all movies I've bought which I haven't watched (this sounds promising, we'll bring it a level higher: include a review for each one... Err. I take it back. Do I wanna accomplish this or not?) or all books I've bought which I haven't read (this may be the most impossible. I loathe reading. I do. Good luck) or finish writing at least one of my concepts (this sounds good. Oh well, here's to my last days of vacation. Stop whining yours is ending. Mine's just getting started and it ends the same as yours. Haha. I'm really turning into the angry melodramatic ahole character I am)
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