Thousands of grams of greens later, I found myself back to the grocery store. Refilling was always fun. I get to get greens, dressings and meat. Add to that the all-important liquor I need to fuel thy self. Seriously, all this dieting has been altering my brain and my body. As I went along grabbing and buying, I couldn't believe how clumsy I got. I was literally bumping into a lot of people - an old woman, a snob 20's girl, a middle-aged mother, a hot guy... (Haha) Enough about the greens, even my blood is slowly turning into it... (Haha) No seriously, enough.
Today yet another day in effect of the pagoda syndrome. It's getting on my nerves. Really. (Could greens turn you into a psycho?) It's like I'm having trait anger with almost everyone. I have issues, you know. I need a psychiatrist. I need one now!
Trying to be sane, I had a breakthrough seconds ago. I wanted to write again. (Note to life critic: Write as in a simple short story, okay? Enough of the broken promises of novels. I learned my lesson. You should learn yours too, you know. Effing ahole) I wanted to write about the stranger (not exactly with a stranger, although I must admit, she was a stranger figuratively) splendor that had taken place early this year. It was insanely romantic (This I cannot deny. I cannot deny also the fact that I linger. However, I cannot also deny that I feel totally nothing towards her. It's the feeling that's here, the moment, there. Not the person. Get it?) I even had an epiphany that this might be my means of achieving my "Love Actually" moment. (You know, the one I posted weeks ago, with the guy admitting his feelings towards the wife of his best friend. That. Yes. That.) Basta, it's a promise to myself that I'll accomplish that as soon as possible. The film follows soon :)
From geeko to psycho to romantico? Anyways, I'm having yet another MPD moment here. (Gotta love it!) What's next? I dunno. Oh by the way, LL Cool J's song with J. Lo makes me &@)*# (Note to self: There are children out there reading this! Ahole) Nothing. I just wanted to say that. Just like Jamie Foxx who said in his Oscar acceptance speech, "I see Halle and Oprah. Hehe. I just wanted to say your names."
And I had to open the Oscar topic. (Stupidity. Don't worry, I'll make this quick.) All I have to say is that I was entertained by Mr. Stuart (with all those campaign parodies of the nominees... And yes, Keira Knightley is beautiful.) and strangely, also by 3 6 Mafia. (Damn song, it never exits my head.) I also loved Clooney's speech and I find David Strathairn's performance cool (and I would love to portray it, give it a shot...) I find Terrence Howard's voice weird yet I loved his line "attention must be paid" (and Keira Knightley being beautiful). I also realized people tend to repeat "thank you" insanely (and that Keira Knightley was gorgeous). Ang Lee... (Never mind, this is a conservative article, or so I thought), don't worry, I won't bash you; I give you my salute nevertheless. But still, I believe that Crash deserved Best Picture (Throw them hats off!) Really. (And Keira Knightley is a goddess)
That's all folks, my energy's been drained. Must eat greens. Open up them bottles o' olive oil... Extra virgin please. ;)
Tunog Texan ka ha. Hehe. Lucky Jack Nicholson, katabi si Keira Knightley.
Haha... Oo nga eh... Yeah, that old dog... Hehe...
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