Attention was paid indeed. I found out I lost 2% fat today (How significant. Well actually it is, considering I went through all them beers during Christmas.) Actually, when I think about it, this must be the reason why I'm having headaches, I eat like a contestant for a beauty pageant or something (But contrary to the girl in the Nova commercial, I eat food that has taste. I prepare them by myself of course.) And as per celebratory purposes, I shall eat chocolate for the rest of this lovely night. Well, I think I might need it in lieu of la finale long examinacione y Matematika (This feels like the A jora y blah blah from Besos y Lagrimas, which I am craving for right now... Damn the fact that they had to be removed from you tube. [What can you say about piracy now, wise guy eh? {Shit, how Mathematical!}]) But that will come later, I'm still wagging out this irritable headache.
I had an epiphany this morning (Actually not this morning, weeks ago actually. It just sounds oh so beautiful. I just haven't had the mood to say it before. Not now!) I've been thinking of how plain this thing has been since the last time I wrote a decent life examination article (Haha). Now that I've been writing like a (!&#*)!*()@)!... Well, never mind about that. We don't wanna cause some prejudice commotion around here. (Hehe... Note to self: Bastard!) Well, let's just say I've meant to make this something like, more interesting. So I thought of having a regular (Haha... Note to self: You'll eat your words again later.) episodic shiznit. (Think of Sex and the City's Carrie meets Ennis del Mar. Haha...) Joking aside, I just thought of having more fun with more (Sensible? Note to powers that be: Can I use that?) purpose (This pertaining to literary skill-sharpening... [I'm a loss for words. Forgive me.] Perhaps sometime soon, you'll get a more concrete picture of what I'm babbling about. (And I mean really soon... I'm near jailbreak! Hehe)
I want to write more but I don't know what to write about. This is the big problem with me. When I want to write, I don't know what to write about. On the other hand, when I do have something to write about, I'm just not in the mood to do it. (How peculiar ain't it?)
Oh, by the way. I'm sick of reading articles about how the Oscars suck for having chosen Crash as Best Picture. I'd just be wasting valuable (Hmmm...) time if I reply to each and every one of those criticisms (Power of the press... Fine). I just want to ask you a question (s) instead and reflect on it, okay (Thibecs)? Had Munich won, would you tell the same to the academy in relation to their being homophobics? Is it really a question of Crash winning or is it just the plain fact that Brokeback Mountain did not win? I'm hoping you got that. But if not, let me elaborate. I believe, had any of the other nominees won that night, you would have told the same thing. It just so happened Crash won, thus, explaining all the trash talk it has been receiving lately (which I believe, it does not deserve). Brokeback Mountain is a timeless classic, however it does not mean that it should receive every top award "it deserves". Demanding awards is plainly bull. If you win, then say your thank you's. If you don't, just keep your mouth shut. This is the very reason why this industry has been degrading. This is the very reason why I am losing respect for all the people I have idolized THEN. [Note to life critic: Yes, it is my dream to win an Oscar. I am telling you, I have no capabilities to do what's happening right now. It's not in me. If you are indeed a life critic, I bet you remember the time when I lost the "top prize" (this was almost a year ago) Did you ever hear anything from me? Sure, I was disappointed. I'm human. But, did you ever see me question the authority about that even if almost everyone was telling me that I was a "victim"? I'm telling you it's not in me. And I am getting too defensive here. Haha. Okay, I'm guilty in that aspect. Haha. You dog.]
And I just said I haven't anything to say. Oh well, tune in again next time for another sampling of a mind of the egotist. Haha. (Note to anyone or in other words, PS: No, I am not yet studying. Although I lost my headache somewhere in the middle of this article. I will eat. Chocolate! Saccharides! And Keira Knightley is beautiful! Haha!)
I had an epiphany this morning (Actually not this morning, weeks ago actually. It just sounds oh so beautiful. I just haven't had the mood to say it before. Not now!) I've been thinking of how plain this thing has been since the last time I wrote a decent life examination article (Haha). Now that I've been writing like a (!&#*)!*()@)!... Well, never mind about that. We don't wanna cause some prejudice commotion around here. (Hehe... Note to self: Bastard!) Well, let's just say I've meant to make this something like, more interesting. So I thought of having a regular (Haha... Note to self: You'll eat your words again later.) episodic shiznit. (Think of Sex and the City's Carrie meets Ennis del Mar. Haha...) Joking aside, I just thought of having more fun with more (Sensible? Note to powers that be: Can I use that?) purpose (This pertaining to literary skill-sharpening... [I'm a loss for words. Forgive me.] Perhaps sometime soon, you'll get a more concrete picture of what I'm babbling about. (And I mean really soon... I'm near jailbreak! Hehe)
I want to write more but I don't know what to write about. This is the big problem with me. When I want to write, I don't know what to write about. On the other hand, when I do have something to write about, I'm just not in the mood to do it. (How peculiar ain't it?)
Oh, by the way. I'm sick of reading articles about how the Oscars suck for having chosen Crash as Best Picture. I'd just be wasting valuable (Hmmm...) time if I reply to each and every one of those criticisms (Power of the press... Fine). I just want to ask you a question (s) instead and reflect on it, okay (Thibecs)? Had Munich won, would you tell the same to the academy in relation to their being homophobics? Is it really a question of Crash winning or is it just the plain fact that Brokeback Mountain did not win? I'm hoping you got that. But if not, let me elaborate. I believe, had any of the other nominees won that night, you would have told the same thing. It just so happened Crash won, thus, explaining all the trash talk it has been receiving lately (which I believe, it does not deserve). Brokeback Mountain is a timeless classic, however it does not mean that it should receive every top award "it deserves". Demanding awards is plainly bull. If you win, then say your thank you's. If you don't, just keep your mouth shut. This is the very reason why this industry has been degrading. This is the very reason why I am losing respect for all the people I have idolized THEN. [Note to life critic: Yes, it is my dream to win an Oscar. I am telling you, I have no capabilities to do what's happening right now. It's not in me. If you are indeed a life critic, I bet you remember the time when I lost the "top prize" (this was almost a year ago) Did you ever hear anything from me? Sure, I was disappointed. I'm human. But, did you ever see me question the authority about that even if almost everyone was telling me that I was a "victim"? I'm telling you it's not in me. And I am getting too defensive here. Haha. Okay, I'm guilty in that aspect. Haha. You dog.]
And I just said I haven't anything to say. Oh well, tune in again next time for another sampling of a mind of the egotist. Haha. (Note to anyone or in other words, PS: No, I am not yet studying. Although I lost my headache somewhere in the middle of this article. I will eat. Chocolate! Saccharides! And Keira Knightley is beautiful! Haha!)
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