‘God gave you two legs to walk, two hands to hold, two ears to hear, two eyes to see, but why did He gave you only one heart? Because he gave the other one to someone for you to find…’
For quite some time, I have had the belief that one of these days I shall finally meet my stranger – my special someone, my confidant, my love… High hopes, strong will and the longing inspiration to meet her kept my heart pumping with so much faith and so much flare. I could not wait for the day that I shall stare unto her eyes and make contact. For in my dreams, I had a vision of her. Every detail I could still remember – the blue jeans, the white blouse, the small frame, the skin of a Filipina, the long hair, the doe eyes, the pink lips. Every corner of the metro I had gone to, praying that in one of these visits, my fantasy would finally become a reality.
Why won’t you show yourself? Everyday, I keep on searching. I had looked all over for you. I could not find you. Where have you been hiding? Why keep me from seeing you? I’m beginning to think that all of this is just a waste of time. Are you really there? Do you really exist? Why won’t you let me love you?
As long as there is the sun, my love shall never vanish. A black hole or an eclipse shall never cover the endearing love I have for you. For I keep in my heart a flame that will burn on for eternity. I long that one day you’ll soon see the light. Não sei a quanto tempo estou a te buscar.
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